Acquaintance with the AbgostaranMihan

Board of Directors


Abgostran Mihan Consulting Engineers started its activities in 2013 in the field of design, supervision and research services in irrigation and drainage specialization and currently in all water engineering specialties based on more than 30 years of experience of the board of directors and knowing the issues and problems surrounding This industry works in line with the company's policy and strategy to achieve its goals. In this regard, he has put the use of young specialists alongside experienced and experienced workers in his work so that he can serve the country's water industry as best as possible by using current knowledge and a wealth of experience from the past years.

Abgostran has established a complex group of about 300 full-time personnel and more than 50 part-time personnel in the form of five regional offices active at the country level and serving most of the country's provinces. With the hope that by expanding its activities to all parts of the country and international arenas, it will contribute to the sustainable development of water resources, soil, land and food security.

The main specialized activities of this company are in five specialized departments:

Project management

Water and environment

Irrigation and Drainage

Sewage and treatment plant

Agriculture and Natural Resources
